Pincode/ Postcode based COD

For Frontend Demo:-

Enter pincode 151505 which is serviceable and Cash on delivery also available. Enter 122014 which is serviceable but not Cash on delivery (Will not get COD option at checkout) Enter 151506 which is not serviceable. Postcode based COD with serviceability check.
  • Now customers can only place orders on the zipcodes where COD is enabled.
  • Compatible with all themes, In case you got a problem, we offer you Free Installation** Some of the features of this Extension are: - Serviceability and Pincode check, can be placed on any page such as product page, homepage, cart page etc. - Set design from admin of pincode check box. Message to be show to customer can be set through admin. - Restrict Cash on Delivery only for the pincodes uploaded. - Restrict Checkout only for the serviceable pincodes/postcodes. - Bulk upload of Pincode or Postcode list from Admin Panel. - List/ Update/ Delete Pincode one by one as per requirement. - VQMOD Compatibility. No change in core files. ============================================== Demo Admin Demo Admin User Name:- demo Admin password :- demo

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