PHP SOUNDER is an instant, smart music search engine,
fully customizable administration panel and player,
fast and secure, comes with musicians profiles and seo ready,
enables you to access millions of sounds from SoundCloud,
there is more than 40 million users, musicians and artists are using this growing platform.
Instant search
Top Tracks & Artists in Day/Week/Month/Year
Stream directly from soundcloud by using html5 or flash player
Download mp3 file for any song on soundcloud (Exclusive Feature)
SEO ready (smart sitemap, friendly URLS, meta keywords & description & og image )
Fully Responsive
Fully Dynamic page load
Comes with 15 Styles
Fully translatable (en,ar included)
Users can Save their favorite Songs to their account
Password recovery protected by reCAPTCHA
Musicians profiles
Song info (title, artist, playbacks, comments)
Ratings and expressive word for song are generated by using playbacks & comments
Share Buttons : Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and pintrest.
Support Offline Mode
Sample pages (contact, disclaimer, privacy, TOS, offline, 404)
The possibility of changing the Control Panel folder name
The possibility of control Top Tracks/Artists
Qrcode widget
And More…
Admin features
General settings : Allows you to edit Basic Settings
Ads : Adsense integration
SEO : Allows you to edit (title, meta keywords & description & og image) – give your sitemap url
Sample pages : Allows you to edit (contact, disclaimer, privacy, TOS, offline, 404)
Statistics: Advanced user and site statistics (users registered, playbacks, favorites added, Top count in day/week/month/year)
Manage users: Allows you to manage registered users, edit information and delete users.
Manage favorites: Allows you to manage user’s favorites.
Demo Admin Account
Admin Panel
Go To Admin Panel
username: admin
password: admin
Some features have been disabled in the demo account
Demo User Account
Login page
Go To Login page
username: member
password: member
Soundcloud CLIENT ID (It is Free)
PHP 5.3 or higher
PHP CURL Enabled
Mod_Rewrite Module Enabled
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