Google Analytics eCommerce Tracking for OpenCart

About OpenCart is a great free, open source PHP cart software.
Unfortunately there is no integration for the ecommerce part of Google Analytics and your are probably getting this message if you enable ecommerce data:
Missing Ecommerce Data
Site Data is configured for Ecommerce, but no data is flowing.
This add-on script will solve this issue and add a wide collection of statistical data from your site’s conversions to your Google Analytics account. This add-on uses the new Universal Analytics code (analytics.js).
Please note that it is not compatible out-of-the-box with the old analytics code (ga.js).
If you want to use the old code this add-on can be modified (I can do it for you) but I really suggest using the new Universal Analytics code.
Installation is easy and the script comes with full instructions.
There is no need to modify any core files. The script is a vQmod XML. What the script does Google Analytics ecommerce data adds information about your transactions that it sends to the Analytics server.
This information is used by Google Analytics to build ecommerce statistics that are very useful for you as a site owner.
The following info is pushed to Google Analytics for each order: Order total:
  • Order ID (Transaction ID in Google Analytics language)
  • Store Name
  • Order Total (Grand Total Revenue in Google Analytics language)
  • Shipping Value
  • Tax Value
  • For each product within the order:
  • Order ID (the order the product is part of)
  • Name (the name of the product)
  • SKU (product model / unique code)
  • Price (the price of this product alone)
  • Quantity (the quantity of this particular product that was ordered)

  • Of course all this is in addition to your normal Google Analytics tracking.
    With this additional info you can for example see what campaigns are actually bringing revenue, what products certain types of visitors are buying, and a lot more.
    Bottom line: this add-on script allows you to dig much deeper into the Analytics results to see what actually brings you money from the online store.
    As opposed to other add-ons of this kind this one actually works and checks if there is a real purchase being made. It does not fire up when the common success page gets triggered by an account registration.
    In case these kind of add-ons would fire up upon a registration (not a purchase) there is generally an error message shown to the end-use – which is not that nice.
    This is not the case with this script. How to install Before installing, make sure you have vQmod installed. It’s easy to install and is required for almost all OpenCart plugins.
    If you don’t already have it, it can be downloaded here:
    1. Check to make sure you have the Google Universal Analytics code inserted in “Settings” -> “Server” -> Google Analytics code from your OpenCart admin interface.
      The add-on relies on the code that you defined in the settings and there is no need to supply you Google Analytics Tracking ID anywhere else. Having the proper code in the settings is enough.
      If you didn’t put the code there yet take it from your Google Analytics account from the menu Admin -> Tracking Info -> Tracking Code, copy everything in the box (starts with <script>, ends with </scrips>) and paste it in the OpenCart menu mentioned above. Don’t forget to save the changes.
    2. Unzip the provided archive file on your computer.
    3. The archive contains 2 files, a xml file (the script) and a pdf manual.
    4. Use your FTP client to copy the xml file (one of the files inside the archive that you unzipped at point 2.) to your vqmod/xml/ directory

    The script will start working immediately after it is triggered by a purchase on your site.
    Since it does not need to do complex searches (like other plugins on the same topic) it should work with most themes. It basically just adds data and pushes it to Google Analytics.
    It doesn’t remove or replace anything and doesn’t touch your core files.
    Tested on Open Cart with Default and Sellya theme. To test the script’s functionality Alternative A – for the less technical inclined:
    Check the Ecommerce section of your Google Analytics in about 1 hour after a transaction.
    Before doing this make sure your Google Analytics account is setup to accept ecommerce data (it should be).
    You should start seeing conversion statistical data in Google Analytics in a short while. Alternative B – for the more technically inclined:
    1. Install Google Analytics Debugger
      (get it from here
    2. Make a test purchase from your site and stay on the success page
    3. While on the success page enable Google Analytics Debugger and fire up the JS console (Ctrl + Shift + J on Windows)
    4. You should be able to see everything that is getting pushed to Google Analytics.
    5. Make sure you scroll through the console if you can’t find the data at first on script heavy sites.
      It should be under ga(“require”, “ecommerce”, “ecommerce.js”)
    Troubleshooting If the script doesn’t seem to be working correctly, please try the following steps:
    1. Make sure you’re using OpenCart version 1.5.6.x
    2. Check /vqmod/logs/xxxx.log (where the xxxx is the current day of the week). Often helpful error messages can appear here.
    3. Make sure vqmod is properly installed, that /vqmod/logs, /vqmod/vqcache, and /vqmod/mods.cache have 777 world-writable permissions. Additionally load in a browser to make sure it’s properly installed.
    4. Try clearing the vqmod cache by deleting all files in /vqmod/vqcache. Additionally clear your browser cache before reloading.
    5. Occasionally, poorly written modules can conflict with Google Analytics ecommerce data. To see if this is the case, create a folder /vqmod/xml/disabled and move ALL of the XML files into it with the exception of the provided xml file and vqmod_opencart.xml. If Google Analytics ecommerce data starts working, you can move each of the XML files back one by one until you find the module causing the conflict. You can then disable only this module.
    Support Due to the low price of the script (of which the author only receives a part), in-depth support is not always available, but if you have any questions suggestions or bug reports, you can send me a message using envato’s messaging system.
    For bug reports, please include the relevant log file from /vqmod/logs

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