crea8SOCIAL is a social networking platform that sums features of common social networking platforms like facebook and twitter and
to that indigenous to it such as the feature that allows it to display information(to the user) about any link added,profile can be redeesigned
by users, communities created and invite others to join amongst many other interesting features
Demo Link:
Version 1.1
Version 1.2
Version 1.3
Version 2.0
Member features:
Preview links in post New!
Maintenance mode New!
Custom Error page New!
AJAX: crea8SOCIAL make use of ajax technology to speedup your website
Live chat, Real time Notification, comments
Photos, Photo Albums : give your members to upload photos with albums
News Feed : Display posts from people you are following and who you have as friends
Profile timeline: Display your posts on your personal profile
Events: Movies, location,Musics, Games, Photos. e.t.c
Share: Share posts from others to your timeline and friends
#Hashtags: Use #hashtags in your posts, comments e.t.c with all language support New!
Trending topics: This display what’s hot to your member base on the hottest #hashtags
Likes: Like posts, pages
Pages:Create fan page, allow your friends and followers to like it
Page Roles: Moderators,editors,admins New!
Follow:Follow celebrities, popular people to get there messages
Message System: Send private messages to your friends and also set privacy for who send you message
Community:Create communities, invite your friends to join, you can create both private and public communities
Community categories:Create different categories for your community
Games: Let your members play games, add games, likes games, e.t.c
@Mention:Mention your friends in a post, or @mention somebody to send a message to the person
Post with: When you are with your friend, let your other friends know about that when you are posting
Link Preview: when you post links, details like title,description are pull and displayed
Invite Friends: Invite friends with there emails, with record, so once they joinm they will be added to your friends list
Account activation You can prevent bad accounts through verification
.....Much more
Admin Features
Manage Users: Manage your members, edit there details,delete, and verify anyone of them
Manage Pages: Manage pages your member created, verify anyone of them
Create categories: create different categories for pages, games e.t.c
Manage translations: Add more language translations
Reports:Manage reports by your members
Helps: Create helps for your members
NewsLetter: Send mail to all members or certain members
Manage Themes: Manage themes
Post text: set maximum post text character in posts
Enable emoticons: Enable/Disable emoticons
Custom Fields: Create custom fields for profile, pages, communities, and games
Validate Users: Validate new users if this is turn on
....and much more
Version 4.1 [29/03/2015]
-Added a new text editor used by blog,custom addon
-Fixed bug with Redirect to https if enabled via admincp
-Fixed bug with email notification upon new comment to a post
-Added option for members to change email address from their account settings
-Fixed Safari issue to render home page members list correctly
-Fixed Global admin comment issue on pages post, to show their real entity not the page admin
-Fixed issue with member automatically going offline
-Fixed layout break on user and pages profile side content
-Fixed bug with profile wall post privacy when set to nobody
-Fixed issue with incorrect member age
-Added option to edit comment
-Added post load more button to pages,user profile, community pages
-Added option to set the minimum age for a user to have before registering
-Fixed issue with games when disabled
Version 4.0 [19/02/2015]
Features Added
- Added birth date option during sign up
- Added privacy settings for who can see member birth date
Added change of birth date in user account settings
Added Facebook like bigPipe to make pages load more faster by turning each component on page to pagelets
-Added to user home – feeds page
-Added to user profile page
-Added to page profile page
-Added to all pages using the side widgets
-Added ability for admin to update member password via admincp
-Added SEO friendly meta data in to head
-Added file sharing supported file types : exe,txt,zip,rar,php,doc,mp3,jpg,png,css,psd,pdf,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx,html,docx,fla,avi,mp4 you can add or remove
-To add go to admincp -> configurations -> file
-Also you will have to put the file icon at themes/frontend/default/assets/images/extension_name.png
-note : change extension_name to the file type for example php.png
Added Custom Page addon check the addon here
Bug Fixed v4.0
-Fixed issue with uploading of cover for communities
-Fixed issue with not found pages to direct to custom error page
-Solved issue with logout issue to set user offline
-Fixed issue with search when using filter
-Fixed issue with disabling page design
-Fixed issue with video fullscreen play
-Fixed issue with link preview not showing image
-Fixed issue with videos upload
-Please this is server settings if you are having problem with upload
-in your php.ini settings set
-post_max_size = high value or set to 0 (zero) to leave it unlimited
-upload_max_filesize = high value
-Fixed preview link size having issue on mobile
-Fixed issue with activation of language via admin when it contains character like – _
-Fixed issue with community sub-category not supporting other languages
Version 3.3 [01/02/2015]
-Fixed deletion of posts/pages/games/users/community by non owners
-BLock the trick to unfollow/Unfriend users for other members
-Prevent multiple posts when user like a page or games
-Fixed issue with email not going through when someone make comment on post
-Fixed bug in post
-Allow admin to be able to access private profiles
-Prevent sharing of private post to social networks like posts directed to friends
-Added verifybade to post comments
-Added ability for admin to fully manage any page created by members
-Improved the change of profile/page cover and community display photo
-Fixed xss bug in posting location
-Fixed issue with long text breaking layout on users profile
-Fixed overwritten of other posts by stranger
-Added option to search pages via admincp
-Fixed issue with ban system allow
Version 3.2 [27/01/2015]
-Fixed issue with post listing
-Improved crea8social theme system
-Fixed issue with newsletter not being formatted very well
-Fixed adding of game issue via admincp
-Solved auto-like pages by new members not working before
-fixed issue with change of profile pic by users coming from social networks
-Fixed bug with friend request count notification
-Fixed logout issue
-Improved the page loading speed
Version 3.1.1
-Fixed issue with url/ links matching in post text
-Fixed authentication issue
-fixed issue with new games
-Fixed user saying offline
-Fixed issue with when tagging people in your posts
Version 3.1
-Fix the delete of videos from folders when post is deleted
-Solved comment issue not working
-Fixed small issue in the activation of user via admincp
-Solved issue with profile pics rendering codes, it because of facebook
Version 3.0 [13/01/2015]
New Features
Added Predefined words to prevent usage in user fullname,username, and other useful fields
Changed mobile menu
Added option to enable https
Added option to select Timezone
Added option to disable/Enable page load fade effect
Added close button to send message through user profile
Added ability to upload games by members
Added Google social authentication
Added option to enable public post for new members
Added ability to create photo albums with other languages
Added ability to edit albums
Added timestamp to album photos
Added notification upon a post to a member wall
Mobile realtime checking of new events for notifications,messages e.t.c
Option to manage communities via admincp
Added ability to search for users at the admincp
Improved the game system against hackers
Added Option to set online status to online, busy, and offline
Added option to resend activation code by new members
Added option to ban/Unban a user
Added option to disallow access of members profile by guest @admincp ->configurations -> profile
Added Option to upload videos
Bugs Fixed
Solved issue with likes translation on page profile
Fixed issue with header dropdowns during getstarted stage
Fix issue with external link reloading current page when click
Corrected homepage members to latest members
Solved issue with vimeo video share
Solved issue with watched movie that support embedded codes
Fixed emoticons not showing in messages dropdown
Fixed issue with page break when left for long
Fix issue caused when games is disabled
Fix issue with comment form when trying to mention a member
Fixed issue with socialauth pictures not showing from facebook
Fixed issue with sharing of post from page posts to timeline
Solved issue with back button in browser
Prevented deletion of profile and posts photos album from user profile
Improved photos in post
Fix issue with non-activated members from been able to login
Fixed auto like of pages by new members
Version 2.0 [04/12/2014]
Fixed bug with deletion of game categories and re-occuring of delete categories upon database update
Fixed bug in background photo upload
Fixed issue with user suggestion
Prepared the system for future addons
Improved the notification system
-Added mark all read/ clear all notification button
-Added timestamp to notifications
Improved the private message system
Removed option to keep original image uploaded
Improved the pages system
-added page url field
Improved community system
-Added custom community url
Added option to disable game system
Added preview of user/page profile picture
Improve the system against hackers
Fixed double connections
Improved the external link preview system
Added Maintenance mode feature
Fixed issue with posting with friends, only friends are suggested
Added likes to comment with notification upon like by friends,
Added Page roles : admins,moderators and editors from your friends or people who likes the page
Added Page photos
Improved the comment system
Blocked the ability to view uploads directory files
Fixed the issue the original image not been delete when delete image
clicking outside header dropdowns hide them
Fixed issue with removal of moderators in a community
Added new Emoticons
Approval/Rejection of friends request without redirecting to profile page
People you may know is base on friends of friend/people from your city,country before random users
fixed bug on filter of people search
#hashtags support all languages
Suggestion pages for your friends by inviting them to like it
Version 1.3 [06/11/2014]
-ADDED welcome mail subject to mail translation
-Improved online users list
-Enable non-login members to view posts
-Improved ajax submission of forms in post,messages e.t.c
-Moved addons folder into app/ folder
-Added Preview to uploaded photos through messaging/chatting
-Fixed bug in comment on a post notification
-Fixed issue with photo viewing through notification
-Added items to admincp +Add menu
-Fixed #hashtag/@mention not being process when editing a post
-Improved display of photos in post
-Fixed bug, pages can create post but cannot comment
-Changed genre to gender
-Enlarge the profile avatar
-Fix break in developers page
-Added profile statistics
-Changed icon for emoticon
-Added dropdown for friend requests
-Improved search of musics/videos in post editor
-Added option to auto to unverified any member that changes his/her username
-Fixed issue with page name, community e.t.c
-User can now hide posts they don’t like from there News Feed
-Fixed issue with mobile menu when logout
-Post time can now be translated to other languages
-Added Filter by city, country and gender
Version 1.2.2 (29/10/2014)
-Fix small issue with post editor
-Fixed language mix when switching post privacy in editor
-Fix invite translation in explorer menu
-Fix issue with profile bio text and side profile info
-Fix who can post on timeline issue
-Prepared crea8social for Addons/Plugins
Version 1.2.1 (27/10/2014)
-Fixed bug when signup through facebook
-Fixed issue with soundcloud music suggestion
-Fixed language translation issue
-Fixed issue in chrome/Others upload of photos to album
-Added option for members to set preferred language
-Fixed issue with change of language with – or _
-Set post to others timeline to be public
-Fixed issue with profile album photos showing other people photos under it
-Added user fullname clickable
-Also page, community, games name clickable
Version 1.2 (26/10/2014)
Add Captcha in registration form
Add Video and Musics suggestion from soundcloud and youtube
-Multiple photos selection when posting
-Username issues fixed
-Comments on Games
-Share posts, games to social networks facebook,twitter, google+ and linkedIn
-Skip button to getstarted process
-Improvement to user experience in upload photos, covers
-Indicator in Profile cover uploads
-User privacy – who can post on my timeline
-Improved Private messaging system
-Change of country/location in user account settings
-Setting user first profile photo as profile cover
-Improved posts dedicated page with owner page design
-Saving user preferred post privacy for future posts
-Read more button to long posts
Version 1.1 (16/10/2014)
Fixed bug in change in username, only support alpha-numeric characters
Remove the caret button on user profile,pages for non-login users
Added the remove string to english global file translation
Corrected bug in installation process, mysql is deprecated so i changed to mysqli
corrected update check for notifications, new post and friend request
Fix bug in adding photos to albums
Turn links in comment to be clickable
Fixed bug in chat speed which set to 5minutes
Convert html codes in user post to special characters this prevent your member from spoiling your site layout
Added ability to add images in Private message NEW!
*Added ability to edit post NEW!!
Special Thanks To :
Taylor Otwell : For the great framework [laravel]
@mdo and @fat: Bootstrap
JOKE.: A close friend of mine
And to other great technologies used to develop crea8SOCIAL
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