Buy Sell Posts on Facebook Fanpages, Facebook Ads

Buy Sell Posts, unique PHP script

BSP, Facebook Market for Buying and Selling Posts on Fanpages

Before you buy, see how it’s simple and safe!

Try demo without Codecanyon frame.

If you can’t sign in via Facebook, please test demo without Codecanyon frame.
Feel free to test it! Lastest version v1.5 - automatic validation of fanpages (18/08/2014)

Buy Sell Posts – 3 words – 3 main function – 1 unique script!

  • Users can buy posts on popular fanpages. All added items to basket are saved until you aren’t logged!
  • Buyers pay via PayPal
  • Only satisfied customers.
    If validation is incorrect the buyer will receive a refund. Validation is automated and will reject any incorrect posts.
  • Sell
  • Seller can sell posts on his fanpage and in automatically collect fanpage data from Facebook.
  • Seller earns (default 70% commission) per any orders.
  • Seller may withdraw money if balance exceed limit (default $50).
  • Manage page by admin panel. You can…
  • orders mark as already paid
  • confirm orders
  • withdraw salaries
  • block fanpage
  • manage users
  • How it works? Order process.

    1. Buyer add fanpages to basket which wants to share content.
    2. Buyer pay for the order via PayPal.
    3. Seller sharing post on his fanpage, next confirm it in user panel.
    4. Validation of the post is automatic! If the seller does not share content or changed it the order will be rejected. Seller will receive money if you post was displayed at least 2 hours (default require time to display post is set on 2hours). Otherwise buyer receive a refund.


    Many users wants to buy posts on fanpages and also many owners of fanpages wants earn really cash on posts. BSP script is the best solution for them! Now you can provide really useful market of posts!

    Package modules and files

  • Sign in by Facebook
  • Marketplace for buying posts
  • Search engine
  • Shopping cart
  • PayPal paymentsBEST
  • Module purchased
  • Module sold
  • Module sell
  • Auto validation of posts! BEST
  • Affiliate program.
  • Admin panel
  • Users Manager
  • Icons Awesome Pack
  • CSS3 animation changes NEW
  • Welcome page NEW
  • SCSS files included – Compas Framework
  • Many more minor features…

  • Access to the admin panel

    After logged you have automatically access to the admin panel.

    Change log

    * v1.5 - automatic validation of fanpages * v1.4.5 - expand sell module (update action) * v1.4 - expand the affiliate program * v1.3.7 - frontend changes - improvement sell module * v1.3.1 - htaccess fix * v1.3 - auto validation of posts HOT! - animation changes * v1.2 - welcome page * v1.1.4 - filter (fanpages list) * v1.1.3 - fixes frontend changes * v1.1.2 - frontend changes * v1.1.1 - add PayPal commission to payment * v1.1 - users manager - added font awesome icons - frontend changes * v1.0 - release version

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