Boomchat - Responsive PHP/AJAX Chat
chat software built using jquery that allow user to chat in 3 different ways. Boomchat only contain 1 page and dont need any page reload for both main chat and private chat. Boomchat contain lot of uniques features that give full control to user and admin.
UPDATES availables
Boomchat 2.0 release – included new feature – Cookie ban , avatar on chat , username filter for registration, password recovery
Coming in the next update
in this section you will view users suggestion that i decided to include in next update so do not hesitate to give your idea
about what you think will be a great feature in the chat.
Boomchat 2.2 is now available !!!!
Boomchat feature
Responsive work on computers & mobiles devices
Lang file where you can edit entire chat language
Sound notification on username in chat and private message reception
5 colors ranking level super admin , admin , moderator, vip, users
Mobile like private chat design
Bad words filter
Really simple installation process
5 different colors theme
Easy to build your own theme with short and clear css files
Kick, mute, ban users with 1 simple click
Users profile
Build in image uploader
25 useful commands
2 different way of chatting in private
Build in anti flood system
Unlimited rooms possibility
Topic for every room easy to change with 1 simple command
Share youtube video with your friend
Share picture from your computer with your friends
Registration can be turned on and off on demand
25 free of uses emoticon and possibility to add your own gif emoticon
Build in database cleaner that keep your database fast
Delete post directly from chat with 1 simple click
Private message notification
Very simple setting panel where you can manage all aspect of your chat
Build in seen feature to know where and when your friend comes
Change room in 1 simple click
You can send private to user even if they are away
Log history and personal history
Delete and create rooms very fast with the build in room creator
Remove feature not wanted with 1 simple click in setting panel
username highlight to know when someone talk to you
Integrated users manual
Build in users management tool
Tooltip to guide you
Fast customer service
And much more +
Update log history
Boomchat 2.2
added the ads feature that allow you to show banner ads on your chat
added welcome message feature
added flip the chat feature that allow you to choose input on top or bottom
added avatar in userlist
added click on avatar on chat to open private feature
added user showing online when loading the page
Boomchat 2.0
adding password recovery feature
added avatar inchat
added ban by cookie
insert a registration username filter
Fixiing some system issue
Boomchat 1.0.1
fixing userlenght minimum limit
adding lang file
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